If America wants to maintain our innovative edge, create meaningful jobs, and realize economic growth, then we must make funding for fundamental scientific research a national priority. It is essential that Congress work toward a long-term plan to make wise and impactful investments, such as federally-funded research, that hold the key to our future.

Stimulate The Economy

Stimulate The Economy

Spur Innovation

Spur Innovation

Drive American Competitiveness

Drive American Competitiveness

Life-Saving Discoveries

Life-Saving Discoveries

Create Jobs

Create Jobs

American Leadership

American Leadership

The importance of federal investment in fundamental scientific research:

“Scientific investment – whether through STEM education in schools or federal funding for scientific research – is a crucial priority for our country. If America wants to lead the world in the discoveries, innovation, and advancements to improve lives, it will be our commitment to science that drives us forward." - Representative Bill Foster (D-IL-11), 2018


Spread the Word About Why Science Matters

Communicate with your friends, neighbors, local media, and elected officials and tell them why it is essential that the United States invests strongly and consistently in fundamental scientific research. Urge them to make funding for scientific research a national priority before it is too late.

To learn more ways you can take action, contact TSC@sciencecoalition.org.

Click below to see how you can take action.