The Science Coalition was very pleased to hear the President emphasize in his State of the Union
address the fundamental role that science and innovation play in driving the economy. As the President said, investments in research are “job-creating” investments. While research accounts for a tiny percentage of the overall federal budget, science-driven innovation has fueled as much as half of all U.S. economic growth since World War II.

Today, America’s research institutions are making huge strides in tackling the nation’s greatest challenges in health care, energy, the environment and defense. We join the President in his goal to “reach a level of research and development not seen since the height of the Space Race” and we urge Congress to end the budget sequester now. Sequestration not only threatens our ability to reach this goal, but would reduce research spending to historic lows.

As the nation works to kick our economy into high gear, now is the time to invest more – not less – in the basic scientific and medical research that will produce the discoveries, innovations and talent to ensure our strong future.

Visit to learn about the impact sequestration will have on academic research in the United States.

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