WASHINGTON – The Science Coalition (TSC) released a statement following the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s hearing, “Building Back the U.S. Research Enterprise: COVID Impacts and Recovery.” The hearing included testimony from Dr. Christopher Keane, Vice President for Research at Washington State University, a TSC member institution.

“Today’s hearing was an important opportunity for Congress and the American people to learn about the operational and financial challenges the nation’s leading research institutions, our faculty, and our students have faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said TSC President John Latini. “These challenges must be met head-on to counteract the effects of a year’s worth of delays and disruptions at both federal research agencies and research institutions. As Dr. Keane correctly noted in his testimony, the U.S. research enterprise is in need of emergency relief funding. We can’t stop there; relief funding should be coupled with sustained and robust federal investment for fundamental research each year to provide researchers the predictability they need, bolster the economy and the STEM workforce, ensure we remain the global leader in innovation, and solve today’s problems while preparing for tomorrow’s.”

For information on the cutting-edge research TSC institutions are conducting to combat COVID-19, visit our page here.


About The Science Coalition

Established in 1994, The Science Coalition is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of more than 50 of the nation’s leading public and private research universities. It is dedicated to sustaining the federal government’s investment in basic scientific research as a means to stimulate the economy, spur innovation, and drive America’s global competitiveness.