May 23, 2024
CONTACT: Daniel Jacobs 


The Science Coalition Applauds Penn State Behrend for $2.5 Million Federal Award to Develop Cutting-Edge Industrial Battery Testing Facility


WASHINGTON, D.C.The Science Coalition (TSC) congratulates Penn State Behrend on receiving $2.5 million in federal funding to develop a battery-testing rig that can help the rail, marine, and mining industries shift to battery-powered heavy hauling equipment.

“College and university research institutions, like Penn State Behrend, spur economic growth and bolster American competitiveness on the world stage,” said Jill Pentimonti, president of The Science Coalition. “This federal investment in industrial battery technology will help strengthen America’s leadership in clean energy innovation and commercial energy efficiency efforts.”

The battery-testing rig is part of Behrend’s Open Lab, which provides students with a real-world learning environment to apply their skills and address complex problems faced by businesses, nonprofits, and community organizations. By cultivating student and faculty connections with private-sector and nonprofit partners, the Open Lab helps identify solutions to vexing organizational challenges and stimulate future career pathways.

“The Science Coalition remains committed to securing strong federal investments in scientific research so that institutions like Penn State Behrend can continue to drive innovation and catalyze technological breakthroughs – especially in the clean energy space and other high-growth industries,” added Pentimonti. “We’re grateful for Senator John Fetterman’s support in securing this award – and for the Science Coalition’s Champions of Science, who work tirelessly to ensure that American colleges and universities receive robust and sustained federal scientific research funding.”

See here to learn more about Penn State Behrend’s Open Lab.




About The Science Coalition (TSC) 

The Science Coalition is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of more than 50 of the nation’s leading public and private research universities. It is dedicated to sustaining the federal government’s investment in basic scientific research to stimulate the economy, spur innovation, and drive America’s global competitiveness. Learn more at