June 13, 2024
CONTACT: Daniel Jacobs 


The Science Coalition Applauds the University of Florida for Receiving $12.5 Million NSF Grant to Study Polyploidy


WASHINGTON, D.C.The Science Coalition (TSC) applauds the University of Florida for receiving a $12.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to establish the Polyploidy Integration and Innovation Institute and examine the intricacies of polyploidy, a critical yet understudied genome duplication process that drives evolution and takes place across a wide array of organisms and ecosystems in the natural world.

“College and university research institutions, like the University of Florida, are well positioned to lead fundamental scientific research – like the study of polyploidy,” said Jill Pentimonti, president of The Science Coalition. “This new federal investment will bolster our understanding of biological science and the building blocks of biodiversity, and further American leadership in biology.”

The University of Florida’s polyploidy research, led by Professor Doug Soltis, can unlock new discoveries about seeds, plants, and flowers, which might help improve agricultural processes and crop yields. It can also help researchers learn more about cancer cells – because 37% of cancer types in humans present polyploidy – as well as healthy cells in organs like the heart, where half of cells are polyploid.

“The Science Coalition remains committed to securing robust federal funding for scientific research so that institutions like the University of Florida can continue to unravel the mysteries of biological processes,” added Pentimonti.

Learn more about the University of Florida’s recent NSF grant-supported study here.




About The Science Coalition (TSC)

The Science Coalition is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of more than 50 of the nation’s leading public and private research universities. It is dedicated to sustaining the federal government’s investment in basic scientific research to stimulate the economy, spur innovation, and drive America’s global competitiveness. Learn more at