COLUMBUS, OHIO – The Ohio State University and The Science Coalition (TSC) today presented U.S. Representative Steve Stivers, R-Ohio, with the 2020 Champion of Science Award in recognition of his strong support for federal investment in fundamental scientific research. As a leader on the House Committee on Financial Services, Rep. Stivers’ advocacy has been instrumental to higher education institutions, including Ohio State, to combat COVID-19 and support economic recovery.

The Champion of Science award was presented to the congressman at Ohio State’s Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence by Ohio State’s President, Dr. Kristina M. Johnson, and Dr. Morley O. Stone, Senior Vice President for Research. As a proud Buckeye himself, Rep. Stivers is one of only two Ohio members of Congress to be named a coveted Champion of Science, thanks to his consistent support of federal research agencies like the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health – critical partners in advancing the scientific enterprise and cultivating the next generation STEM workforce. Rep. Stivers also championed the “STRONGER Patents Act,” which would protect patent owners and innovators.

“The innovation that occurs at our colleges and universities represents some of the best opportunities for our society – from personalizing medicine and developing new devices – and I’m proud to represent institutions like The Ohio State University that are on the forefront of that innovation,” Stivers said. “It’s an honor to be considered a Champion of Science, and I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues and local partners to support federal investments in research.”

“On behalf of Ohio State, it is an honor to recognize Congressman Stivers for his steadfast support of federal investment in university research,” said President Johnson. “The foundation of our nation’s research enterprise is based on a strong partnership between the federal government and U.S. higher education institutions. I look forward to working with Congressman Stivers and members of the Ohio Congressional Delegation to strengthen this vital partnership.”

“In addition to Rep. Stivers’ work in advocating for fundamental scientific research funding, he has been a long-time champion in his efforts to strengthen patent protections. Our universities are the country’s primary source of basic research that leads to new discoveries and patents, and his work to protect intellectual property will spur more innovation at Ohio State and across the country,” Stone said.

“We are proud to recognize Rep. Stivers with the distinguished 2020 Champion of Science Award. He understands the importance of maintaining a strong partnership between federal research agencies and our colleges and universities. This collaboration is especially critical as the strength of our research enterprise is being tested with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Rep. Stivers’ support of America’s researchers and fundamental science makes him deserving of this honor,” said TSC President Lauren Brookmeyer.

The Ohio State University is a longstanding member of The Science Coalition.  The Science Coalition’s Champion of Science Award recognizes members of Congress whose actions and votes consistently reflect their support for fundamental scientific research. Since 1999, more than 90 members of Congress have been recognized for their efforts to secure federal funding for fundamental scientific research – through their voting records, bill sponsorships, letters of support, or other activities aimed at boosting scientific discovery.


About the Science Coalition 

Established in 1994, The Science Coalition is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of more than 50 of the nation’s leading public and private research universities. It is dedicated to sustaining the federal government’s investment in basic scientific research as a means to stimulate the economy, spur innovation, and drive America’s global competitiveness.