Six Members of Congress Recognized for Supporting Fundamental Scientific Research Investment

WASHINGTON – The Science Coalition (TSC) today honors six members of Congress with the distinguished title of “Champion of Science.” For more than two decades, TSC has recognized members of Congress for their unwavering commitment to advancing fundamental science research through their actions and votes to increase federal investment for federal research agencies.

This year’s awardees are:

  • U.S. Representative Katherine Clark, D-Mass.
  • U.S. Representative Diana DeGette, D-Colo.
  • U.S. Representative John Garamendi, D-Calif.
  • U.S. Representative Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.
  • U.S. Representative Grace Meng, D-N.Y.
  • U.S. Representative Mark Pocan, D-Wis.

“The past year has made it abundantly clear: long-term, predictable federal investment in fundamental research is critical to addressing our nation’s most pressing problems,” said TSC President John Latini. “Thanks to the tireless advocacy of these lawmakers, our institutions were able to leverage fundamental research to support their communities and pivot their projects to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in record time. As our focus turns to vaccine distribution, economic recovery, and resuming research projects delayed or disrupted due to the pandemic, we are proud to have these distinguished members of Congress in our corner.”

Founded in 1999, TSC has recognized more than 100 members of Congress with the “Champion of Science” Award for their commitment to secure federal funding for fundamental scientific research. Each champion is selected based on their voting records, bill sponsorships, letters of support, and other activities that furthered scientific discovery and innovation. Each awardee demonstrates an unwavering dedication to supporting research institutions and the advancement of fundamental scientific advancement across all disciplines.


About The Science Coalition

Established in 1994, The Science Coalition is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of more than 50 of the nation’s leading public and private research universities. It is dedicated to sustaining the federal government’s investment in basic scientific research as a means to stimulate the economy, spur innovation, and drive America’s global competitiveness.